Chris Pearce

Past President

United Kingdom

Wimborne, Dorset BH21 5BX
+44 1258841191


Equine Credentials Committee EVDC

Resident Liaison Committee
Equine Representative


RCVS; Dipl. EVDC-Equine

Chris has considerable experience in equine dentistry at all levels. He has post graduate veterinary qualifications in internal medicine and soft tissue surgery and was the first vet in UK to qualify as an equine dental technician (EDT) in 2001. Chris sat the first full European Diploma of Equine Dentistry examination in 2014 making him an official recognised Specialist with similar recognition from RCVS.

Chris teaches, lectures and examines widely on equine dentistry in UK and worldwide. Posts he had held include Chairman of the BEVA/BVDA examining committee for EDT exams, BEVA Council representative for equine dentistry, Chairman of the BEVA Dental Working Party for political aspects relating to dentistry. Chris is currently member of the EVDC-Equine Exam Committee. 2011, Chris was the winner of the coveted Pet Plan Vet of the Year Award.